Northern Echo

The end of smoking as we know it?

Northern Echo, article discussing the pros and cons of e-cigarettes for those trying to give up smoking.

Cutting Back on the risks 

Northern Echo, article discussing the topic of Peripheral Vascular Disease with reference to September being Vascular Disease Awareness Month.

The Vital Signs in Childhood


Northern Echo, article discussing improvements in the treatment of childhood cancers, with September being designated " Childhood Cancer Awareness Month".

Should we stay the Course

Northern Echo article, discussing the arguments for completing the full course of antibiotics prescribed, in light of new research suggesting it is acceptable to stop before this if you are feeling better.

"Early Diagnosis saves lives"

Northern Echo article discussing a lesser known disease which often displays no symptoms early on, but can be fatal if left untreated.

Men Marching For Good Health

Northern Echo, article discussing the latest developments in prostate cancer

From Cradle to Grave
Northern Echo, article in which I am interviewed by Hannah Chapman, Head of Content, regarding my first attempt at fiction writing

A warning not to be sneezed at
Northern Echo, article discussing the worrying rise in drug driving convictions and how the humble antihistamine may be contributing to this trend

Act FAST to save your life

Northern Echo, article discussing the concerning rise in the number of Strokes, and highlighting May as National Stroke Awareness Month.

When painkillers become a problem
Northern Echo, article discussing Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and their possible link with increased risk of heart attack and stroke

The benefit of taking statins
Northern Echo, article discussing the evidence for statins in light of new research suggesting that many presumed side effects have are not actually statin-related.

Parkinson's: A cure in sight
Northern Echo, article discussing exciting new research into modifying patients own brain cells to produce the brain chemical, whose deficiency causes this debilitating disease

Don't sit on the problem 
Northern Echo, article discussing the importance of bowel screening in picking up cases where individuals have no symptoms of cancer yet. April is designated NATIONAL BOWEL CANCER AWARENESS MONTH

Getting Baby Safely to Sleep
Northern Article Echo, discussing practical advice to reduce the chances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, in light of news that the number of deaths due to SIDS in Yorkshire is rising against a national trend the other way

Autism Outlook Getting Brighter
Northern Article article, discussing recent advances in brain imaging that may allow a diagnosis and treatment of autism before symptoms and signs appear clinically

A Little Sunshine Goes A Long Way
Northern Echo article, discussing the importance of Vitamin D in light of new evidence suggesting that low levels of vitamin D may be associated with greater susceptibility to respiratory tract infections

The Passport to Fair Healthcare
Northern Echo, article discussing the proposed new legislation to request upfront payment for non-urgent medical services to patients  normally resident outside the United Kingdom in a bid to reduce so-called "Health Tourism"

Fighting Cancer Together
Northern Echo article, highlighting World Cancer Day and the latest facts and figures about cancer.

Should we lower Smear Test Age
Northern Echo article, discussing the merits and drawbacks of lowering the age of first cervical smear in light of the sad death of local lady Amber Cliff, who died from cervical cancer before the age of first smear.

No Gains from Taking Drugs
Northern Echo article discussing recreational drugs with reference to the unexpected death of Carrie Fisher whose long struggle with cocaine was documented in her semi-autobiographical "Postcards from the Edge".

Will we ever get a Flu Cure
Northern Echo article, discussing Canadian research which may pave the way to lifelong immunity from Flu

Being Mindful of Dementia
Northern Echo article, discussing research at Newcastle University which if successful could improve the outcome for thousands suffering with this debilitating disease.

Doctors' Strike About Respect
Northern Echo article, discussing the first "all-out" Junior Doctors' strike in the entire history of the NHS. Click here to view the full article

Turning Tables on Killer Cancer
Northern Echo article, discussing a new therapy that could potentially provide lifelong immunity against cancer

Fighting Zika
Northern Echo article, discussing a previously relatively unknown disease which has suddenly been declared as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern

Make First Call to Your Own GP
Northern Echo article, discussing practical tips for using routine General Practice and Emergency Services in light of the sad death of baby William Mead, whose parents had attended with him several times to a range of non-routine medical services

GPs'Dilemma on Antibiotics
Northern Echo article, discussing the worrying increase in so-called "superbugs"; bacteria resistant to multiple antibiotics

A Gift of Life
Northern Echo article, discussing the proposal for an "opt out" system to Organ Donation rather than the current "opt in" method

Help at Hand
Northern Echo article, discussing an illness that affects one in four people at least once throughout their lifetime

Raise a Glass to Sensible Drinking

At the HRT of the Matter
My first article for the Northern Echo, discussing the risks and benefits of treatments for the menopause
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